World Peace Affairs Research Institute (WPARI), USA
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
The World Peace Affairs Research Institute (WPARI), USA, is a tax-exempt non-profit corporation registered with the government of Washington, DC. It aims to promote international social justice, peace, and human happiness. To achieve these goals, the institute carries out the following activities:
The research faculty evaluates and compares the selection and misconduct of sovereignty in various countries around the world.
Research is conducted to prevent and resolve conflicts and disputes related to the seven major religions, cultures, and ethnicities in different countries worldwide.
The institute operates national prayer breakfasts in each country, focusing on biblical teachings, to provide guidance, counsel, and support for the stability and peace of each nation. Praise, encouragement, and awards are given to distinguished prayer breakfasts.
Research is conducted on global issues such as national security, diplomacy, economy, monetary and fiscal policies, environment, welfare, advanced technology, and the industrialization of youth leadership and retirees.
Research is carried out on promotional strategies related to mass media, arts and culture, ethics, alternative medicine, and morality.
The institute develops unexplored fields related to peaceful coexistence and the common good of humanity.
It promotes decorations and awards for individuals who have made significant contributions at all levels.
Publication of the World Peacecoatime magazine, based on principles of comfort, encouragement, and praise.
Other necessary matters.
For this project, one Secretary-General (Director) and executive officers in the following research fields are appointed: politics, diplomacy, security, education, economy, religion, culture, arts, science and technology, transportation, environment, social welfare, medicine, mass media, agriculture, professions, trade, raw materials, energy, information and statistical data, planning, situation, space industry, weather, narcotics, underground funds, terrorism, military weapons, food, famine, tourism, finance, communication, credibility, manpower, sovereignty, law, administration, youth, women, elderly, funeral, insurance, social security, human rights, conflict resolution, alternative medicine, social organizations, vocational organizations, redistribution, relief, human rights, honors, blacklisting, and damage.
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